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20 PDU Video Plan 2023 - 2024
The 20 PDU Video plan is a PDU Plan that provides access to PMI Approved Video course to earn 20 PMI recertification PDUs for the following PMI credentials: PMP, PgMP, and CAPM. This PDU plan includes everything to earn 20 PMI recertification PDUs: online video courses and immediate certificates of completion. Make a one-time payment. There are no additional fees, no hidden fees, and no reoccurring payments! Users will have access to the courses in this plan for 1 year (365 days) from the date of purchase. Finally, this PDU plan includes free customer support to help you get started using the site, completing PDU courses and reporting PDUs to PMI.

The price for membership is $149.99 now.

Membership expires after 365 Days.

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