Online PMI® Project Management PDUs to Renew Your PMI Credential

PMI® Approved Authorized Training Partner (ATP)®
We know there are many factors to consider when selecting a PDU Sponsor. NetCBT, which is the company that runs the PDUnow site, is a PMI® Authorized Training Partner (ATP)®. This section provides detailed information about our PMI® approval.
PMI ATP: 3640
NetCBT (the company that runs the PDUnow site) has been reviewed and approved as a Project Management Institute Authorized Training Partner (ATP)®. We have been working with PMI® since 2011. Our company renews our ATP approval every year with PMI®.
NetCBT is a Global ATP Provider. Because of our Global provider status, PMI® credential holders around the world may use PDUnow courses to earn PMI PDUs.
All courses on the PDUnow site are registered in the PMI CCR system. Take courses with confidence that your PDUs will be accepted for your credential renewal. To date, hundreds of thousands of PDU claims have been successfully processed and accepted for PDUnow courses. PDUnow will report your PDUs to PMI.
PMI® Approved ATP®
NetCBT, which is the company that runs the PDUnow site, has been reviewed and approved as a Project Management Institute Authorized Training Partner (ATP)®. All courses on the PDUnow site are registered in the PMI® CCR system. Take courses with confidence that your PDUs will be accepted for your credential renewal. To date, thousands of PDU claims have been successfully processed and accepted for PDUnow courses.
Low Cost PDU Plans
The PDUnow site offers PDU plans to fit any need and budget. A PDU Plan includes PMI Approved courses to earn PMI PDUs to renew your PMI credential. We offer four different 60 PDU plans. We offer many less than 60 PDU plans. We offer PDU plans that have no PDU limits for practitioners that need to earn PDUs for multiple PMI credentials. We also offer specialty PDU plans for those practitioners that need to earn Agile PMI-ACP PDUs, Risk PMI-RMP PDUs or Talent Triangle PDUs.
We Report PDUs to PMI
PDUnow will report your PDUs to PMI. We report all of the PDUs that you earn on the PDUnow site to PMI every Monday. Just enter your PMI ID number into your account and we wil do the rest. All you have to do is to complete the courses included in your PDU plan and we will report your PDUs to PMI. If you need PDUs reported sooner than once a week, we can help you to self-report your PDUs to PMI. All users get free support!
PDUnow Site Information
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The PDUnow site offers PDU plans to fit any need and budget.