We pride ourselves on having a very fair refund policy. If you do not like our site or our courses, you may request a refund. No reason is needed to request a refund. We simply ask that you comply with our refund policies and procedures listed below.
How to Request a Refund
You can request a refund by submitting a refund request to our customer representatives. Refund requests MUST be made in writing. Please use the contact form on the Contact page, Support page or send an email to: support@pdunow.com. This way we will have a written request that we can respond to in order to confirm that your refund was processed. We will reply to your written refund request when your refund has been processed. We try to process all refund requests that same day they are received on days we have office hours. Otherwise, we will process the refund request on the next business day.
The refund amount will be based on our refund policy.
Refund Policy
For a PDU Plan – All 20, 35, 45, 52, 60, and No Limit PDU Plans
Students may receive a refund within 30 days of a PDU Plan purchase only if you have NOT completed any PDU courses that are available from the PDU plan. Any completed course(s) taken as part of a PDU Plan will have their individual price subtracted from the refund amount. Completed courses will not be refunded. A completed course is where you have earned a certificate of completion.
For a Monthly Plan – This plan provides 30 day access
Students may receive a refund within 2 days of purchase and you have NOT completed any PDU course(s) that are available from the PDU plan. After 2 days or if any courses have been completed, the current payment for the monthly plan cannot be refunded. You can proceed with canceling and you will be canceling the monthly charge for next month. If you cancel the next monthly payment, you will still have access to courses for the remainder of the current month until the 30 day period ends.
PDUnow will allow users to apply the monthly fee(s) to a yearly plan. Just pay the difference between the monthly fees paid and the cost for the desired PDU plan. This request should be sent to the PDUnow customer support team.
For Individual Courses
Students may receive a refund within 10 days of purchase if you have NOT completed the purchased course(s). Completed courses will not be refunded. A completed course is where you have earned a certificate of completion.
Refund Amount
The refund will be the price of the PDU Plan or Individual PDU Course less the processing fees. The processing fees are the money that the credit card processor charges our company for processing the initial credit card transaction, which they keep. Since these fees are not returned to us, we cannot include them in the refunded amount.